Media Coverage
November 2, 2009
M Squared Group feaured in Minnesota Business Magazine. Click here to read the article
September 25, 2009
Andrew Mullin, partner at M Squared Group, visits the Fox 9 Morning News program and speaks to importance of growing the National Marrow Donor Program® (NMDP) registry. He explains how individuals and companies can work together with the Be the Match Foundation, NMDP's fundraising partner, to help grow and add more diversity to the registry. Click here to watch the Fox 9 interview
September 18, 2009
Recession Busters: Spotlight on M Squared Group
Consulting firm sees revenue growth by focusing on 'best customers' "- by Brianna Bierschbach, Minneapolis-St.Paul Business Journal
August 27, 2009
"Local Marketing Firm Holds Marrow Donor Registry Drive" - by Leah Shaffer, Eden Prairie News
January 6, 2009
Andrew Mullin named to Wayzata City Council